Glog - Grimes Gabs
Dear Reader,
Hey, remember that crazy Takoma Park election back in . . . when was that . . . last Tuesdayt?
Wow, a whole week ago. Does anyone stll care?
A few people have asked Granolapark to keep going as an observer of city politicis. We’ll give it a try, but, the postings will not be as frequent.
As former candidate Seth Grimes observed in the comments-section, the format of this blog site is frustrating for those posting comments. One gets the feeling they are not seen. We agree. The format is frustrating for us as well. We don’t like the everything-on-one-big-page aspect of the homepage, and the reverse order is a problem. The introduction is the last post, for example. What can we say? It’s a free site.
The last post posed many questions, and you readers gave some cracking good answers. They are too good to be lost in the comments sections. So, they are featured as “glogs” - guest blogs.
If YOU, dear reader, have a glog, send it to!
The glog below is from Seth.
- Gilbert
------------Seth Grimes writes--------------
I'll eventually write a ward-by-ward voting analysis.
For now, regarding the original blog item -- Dan Robinson and the people who started the write-in campaign didn't tell me about it before announcing. I spoke to Dan after and told him that it complicated life for me and that I didn't have the resources to help him.
From my point of view, it rendered a valuable advocate (Dan) unusable in my campaign since he'd now be focusing on his own, it would be unlikely to bring any new voters to me, and it made it likely that Bruce Williams would work even harder.
OK, I'll give a short taste of why I lost ward 3 so badly and why I didn't win ward 1 and why I did better than some expected in ward 2:
I did zero personal canvassing in wards 1 & 3 and I canvassed heavily in ward 2. There are other factors. I'll elaborate later.
- Seth