Monday, November 07, 2005

Mr. Ambivalence

Dear Readers,

Here we are, hours away from the election and Mr. Ambivalence is still sitting in my lap. I remain uneasy about the incumbent due to her lack of vision, her reactive policies, and her reputation of indifference and even hostility toward grassroots activists. Though the challenger has vision, is proactive, and claims to be open to activists, I'm disappointed that he is so focused on budgetary-economic reform. I know these are important and that in reality budgetary matters are the chief concern of elected city officials, but my ideal candidate would have a vision that's a bit . . . higher, . . . more focused on social, environmental, and political issues. I'd like a candidate that focuses primarily on development, who has creative ways to bring in the sort we want and keep out the sort we don't.

Now that I've concluded that the incumbent will win, however, I feel a sense of loss. Although I'm wary of his aims and his allies, I'd still like to see a change: some fresh blood in office, a different approach, and a spur to citizen involvement -- even if it is to rally against the new mayor.

This is something akin to wishing conservative Republicans come to power so it will galvanize opposition to them.

So, on election eve, my vote is floating like a feather. It could blow in any direction and is just as likely to come down on a protest vote for Rudy, or for someone like Joy Austin-Lane, who I wish had run.

- Gilbert

PS. Voter info from the city website:

City Election - November 8, 2005. Polls Open 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. The single polling place will be in the Computer Learning Center (rooms between the Community Center and the Library - please see the map). Voter parking will be in the rear parking lot - enter the lot from Philadelphia Avenue. Voters who are walking may enter from the rear parking lot or they may enter the polling place by crossing the pedestrian walkway from Maple Avenue.

See the website for the map and other information such as a sample ballot: