Monday, October 31, 2005

"Glog" - Demagoguery and Cynicism

I asked for essays from Porter S’porters and I got one. Here’s a “guest blog” (would that be a “glog?”). My own comments follow.


Demagoguery and Cynicism

I am someone who is accustomed to speaking out on the promises and actions of political leaders. In most of these cases, my concern is about the substance of the policies they advocate.
Grimes is a different case, though. For one thing, I have found it very difficult to make coherent sense of what he stands for, as he (for example) publicizes Jack Carson's extremist views and then disavows them or declares himself a champion of the poor, while hinting to landlords and wealthy homeowners that he's really their man. (Jack Carson is Grimes' campaign treasurer.)
And that is the major issue I have with Grimes' candidacy. In his contradictory pronouncements and actions, I see cynicism and disingenuousness of a kind that we have grown sadly accustomed to on the national stage, but have thus far been spared on a local level.  (I am not alone in this view: a Democratic Party official based here in Takoma Park recently told me that the Grimes campaign is the most cynical she can recall in her three decades of residing here.)
Take taxes. As I have previously noted, Grimes has been emphasizing Takoma Park's tax rates all year. Yet, his promises of massive spending increases and no borrowing make it clear that he won't (or won't be able to) do anything about them. This leaves me scratching my head: why talk incessantly about taxes if you have no plan whatsoever to cut them?!
Now, I would be among the first to object - on substance - if Grimes were to enact tax cuts for anyone but the most needy among us. What I find infuriating - and so out of place in Takoma Park - is that the only apparent reason why Grimes keeps sounding the horn on taxes is so that he can whip up emotions and distract the public (which he must assume is awfully gullible) from any substantive debate on real issues. The goal does not seem to be any particular policy or vision of government, but rather power for its own sake.
Take crime. Grimes made himself chief publicist of Carson's recent fear-mongering based on CNN figures that don't even apply to our city. (Note: according to no less than the FBI, crime is at a ten-year low in Takoma Park!) Jack Carson's solution to the nonexistent "crime wave" is to dissolve the police department (much as he wants to dissolve the whole city). Until Grimes had the speciousness of Carson's argument rubbed in his face, he was only too delighted to help defame our city and scare its residents. Why? The only answer I can come up with is that he decided that these tactics would get him elected. There is no other rational explanation.
As I observe Seth Grimes' slippery mayoral campaign, I long for a straightforward right-winger who could be debated - and defeated - on the merits of his or her case. And I hope with all my heart that Takoma Parkers will not be taken in by what amounts to no more than smoke, mirrors, and cynicism.

--Anonymous Porter Supporter


I can’t say I agree with all this. In fact it seems to me to be fairly demagogic, itself - second-guessing Seth’s motives, implying conspiracies, and calling it a “slippery mayoral campaign.”

The Porter S’porters are telling me Grimes has a hidden agenda. The Grimes Group is telling me I’m falling for Kathy’s “spin”.

I don’t think so. Maybe I should change my name to “Pollyanna,” but I think both Kathy and Seth are sincere in what they say.

--Polly . . . I mean Gilbert


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"a Democratic Party official based here in Takoma Park recently told me that the Grimes campaign is the most cynical she can recall in her three decades of residing here."

No, the most cynical was Abbott's campaign against Del Guidice in '85.

3:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll bet you a quarter that Keith Berner wrote that tirade and another quarter that in this quotation --

"a Democratic Party official based here in Takoma Park recently told me that the Grimes campaign is the most cynical she can recall in her three decades of residing here."

-- he himself is the Democratic Party official he's citing.


7:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wrote that "tirade" and stand by it.

The "Democratic Party official" I refered to is NOT me. Sorry, Seth: you owe me a quarter for this one. You see, I don't need to *invent* opponents of your campaign. I happen to be the most vocal of your critics, but I am far from alone.

--Keith Berner

1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um- why do we need to have our own services? The rest of Mont. County doesn't seem to be falling down. Would eliminate the issue.

2:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why have services? Because otherwise there would be no point in being a municipality. Being a municipality and all that entails is what makes this a desireable place to live.

Anyways, the county services are not as good, specially since we are "downcounty."

Example: The city doesn't provide school services - that's county service. Look at where the best schools are - Potomac, Chevy Chase, Bethesda.

You want the same thing for your other services? Under the county imagine how quickly a Takoma Park request for new road curbs would be processed - after Potomac's, Chevy Chase's, Bethesda's, Rockville's, Gaithersburg's, . . . .

2:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Example: The city doesn't provide school services - that's county service. Look at where the best schools are - Potomac, Chevy Chase, Bethesda."

If the county provides the best school service - why wouldn't we want it?

It would make sense to me to take all county services as provided in full (as our tax dollars pay for it) and use the municipality or e-word tax dollars to provide for perceived gaps.

For example trash (which I have no complaints about, works great) If ours started so that we could provide recycling program why did the whole service have to taken over. Why couldn't we just had the recycling program started.

It seems that in an effort to improve services we have the idea that we can do it better and in the case of trash we did. But the county has caught up, why not take the county service? The funds for our current service or a portion of them could be used to push the program further or for other services.

With many of these "duplicate" services we have the infrastructure in place why not let the county take over the services and "rent" back the infrastructure. We have a police station why not staff it with county officers. We could have an additional "community patrol" to supplement the county officers.

We may be the proverbial red-headed step child of the county but we part of the county.We should embrace it and stop snubbing our nose at the services. Its one of the most well off counties in the country. As our revenues rise so should our commitment to the betterment of the county. We should be an e-word that is an example for the rest of the county. Our progressive community can ride on the shoulders of the county instead of trying to trot beside it.

5:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Example: The city doesn't provide school services - that's county service. Look at where the best schools are - Potomac, Chevy Chase, Bethesda."

If the county provides the best school service - why wouldn't we want it?

You totally miss the point. The point is that we'd receive inferior service, first because we live in the poor end of the county, second because the county does not provide as good service as the city.

Maybe you don't see the advantages of being a municipality and providing our own services, but most of us do. You're not going to get anywhere with a "dissolve Takoma Park" movement.

Try moving to Silver Spring where you can enjoy inferior services and being treated like a poor relation with no political clout.

6:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You're not going to get anywhere with a "dissolve Takoma Park" movement."

No one said anything about dissolving TK PK. You seem to have up county envy. If you check out Chevy Chase's website -

The town provides services but doesn't provide them all. They have a town council and a mayor but they are not trying to reinvent the wheel.

With the recent housing boom we are loosing our lower income status. People who want to move here can't. People that want to stay can't. Not unlike your perceived meccas of Mont. County.

If you are going to be envious of their services/status maybe we should take a page from their playbook.

They do have at least one thing we could borrow - Term Limits.

7:18 PM  
Blogger William L. Brown said...

This is a pointless digression. Neither candidate is avocating such drastic changes.

However, this is very like the "hidden agenda" many people accuse Seth and his followers of having. I recently said I didn't buy that. Don't prove me wrong!

- Gilbert

10:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Kathy didn't write it or say it it's not her position.
If Seth didn't write it or say it it's not his position.

Its not fair to place comments posted here on to the candidates.

Its seems that the only choices we are offered in the double taxation are

1. We're working on it
2. We will work on it harder

So all I am trying to do is explore how we got into this situation in the first place. If the council and Mayor are representing us, the residents, why can't we get to the heart of this matter. I threw out a scenario. I don't know if it viable or not. But by exploring the matter perhaps we can get more of a concrete idea of the positions that the candidates hold. If we don't explore the issues then it is really a non-choice.

11:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Try moving to Silver Spring where you can enjoy inferior services and being treated like a poor relation with no political clout."

Thanks, but I'll stay in Takoma Park where there's no economic development plan. I find the frequent surprises very exciting.

3:16 PM  

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